Join organizations across Kansas in opposition to CCR 2094 by signing the letter below by 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 18.  

CCR 2094 is a bill that would make it more difficult for aging, food insecure Kansans to receive the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program benefits for which they are eligible. It would require 50-59 year-olds to document 30 hours of work a week or participate in a mandatory SNAP Employment & Training Program in order to receive Food Assistance benefits. This bill does not acknowledge the unique challenges faced by older Kansans in the workforce and it threatens the food security of some of our most vulnerable residents.  

We hope to have organizations from every corner of the state sign the letter below to encourage Governor Kelly to veto the bill and then ask the legislature to let her veto stand. 

Please sign on to the letter below so we can show our elected officials that Kansans care.

Dear elected officials:

As more than ### organizations who care about our neighbors experiencing food insecurity, we oppose efforts to further restrict access to Food Assistance through CCR 2094. We call on you to oppose enacting further restrictions by preventing CCR 2094 from becoming Kansas law.

This bill will put up more barriers to aging, food insecure Kansans who are eligible for the 100% federally funded Food Assistance benefits, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

As local organizations serving Kansans, we were shocked to learn that only one organization supported this provision—an organization from Florida. Opportunity Solutions Project, based in Tallahassee, wants to put these Food Assistance policies in place in Kansas, but

Floridians won’t pay the increased costs to expand bureaucratic red tape and hire the employees to manage it. Kansans will.

Floridians won’t be the ones getting buried in paperwork. State employees and our older neighbors seeking assistance in Kansas will.

Floridians won’t be the ones to lose their Food Assistance and with it their ability to shop in their local grocery stores for the food their families need. Vulnerable Kansans will.

Floridians won’t be the ones asked to donate money, food and time to charitable organizations like ours, which will be stretched even further as more hungry people turn to us for help. Kansans will.

Opportunity Solutions Project in Florida will get a “win,” while food insecure Kansans, our communities and the charitable organizations that serve them will lose.

What do we know about SNAP recipients in Kansas?

Why would more SNAP restrictions and red tape be bad for Kansas?

Please prevent CCR 2094 from becoming law in Kansas.
